After an ascent of about 40 minutes on a tortuous path and a staircase bordered by the life-size scene of the Crucifixion of Jesus, you arrive on the esplanade of the grotto, facing an exceptionally beautiful panorama. The indoor temperature is 13° in winter and summer. To the right of the cave entrance, attached to the wall, is a seminary still inhabited.
Originally from the city of Magdala located on the western shore of Lake Tiberias, she is a disciple of Jesus who followed him until his death. After the resurrection of Christ, she arrived with her brother Lazare and her sister Marthe to evangelize Provence. She will end her life in a cave in the heart of the Sainte Baume massif.
Sainte Baume is the final stage of the Tour de France des Compagnons. Their pilgrimage takes place on July 22. That day, they receive their ribbon , a symbol of work done but unfinished. The father of the order, Brother Jacques, a native of Marseilles, is buried next to Saint Maximin. Stonemason, he participated in the construction of the temple of Solomon.